Tuesday, October 26, 2010

High performance web site - reading notes (1)

Somehow I was assigned a new task to investigate front-end performance for an important project, and majorly about web site performance. This is a hot topic in Web2.0 era, and I did join the Velocity 2010 conference this June @Santa Clara. Most sessions were all about Web site performance, and behind the scene how to make web pages faster while dealing with HTML/JS/CSS/Images/Flash etc old friends. However, I have not worked on this layer for years, and almost forgot how to write CSS/JS efficiently, so need pick up quickly by reading.

Why High performance web site?
Two main reason: Steve is the author of YSlow and once was Chief Performance Yahoo! to lead a team focusing on yahoo performance (yahoo also published the best practices), and now he is with Google for performance. The book is well organized and easy to read and understand. - I am preparing to read his second book "Even faster Web site" now.

Top 14 rules:
There are many rules (best practices) regarding Web site performance from Yahoo, Google or other companies. But in this book, Steve listed top 14 rules and explained the ins and outs of these rules with examples and case study. I will not repeat his points word by word here, but as a reading notes, I will write down key take away from each rule. Therefore, the notes might not be complete sentence, or without context, or hard to fully understand. If you are interested, get one copy and read Steve's original words.
  1. Make few Http requests
  2. Use a CDN
  3. Add an Expires header
  4. Gzip components
  5. Put stylesheets at the top
  6. Put (java)scripts at the bottom
  7. Avoid CSS Expressions
  8. Make javascript and CSS external
  9. Reduce DNS lookup
  10. Minify javascript
  11. Avoid Redirects
  12. Remove duplicate scripts
  13. Configure (avoid) ETags
  14. Make ajax cacheable

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