Sunday, July 7, 2024

IHG and Marriott

Always a bit confused by so many hotel brands, so I spent some time learning these two hotel groups: IHG and Marriott. 

IHG Hotels & Resorts, or InterContinental Hotels Group, is a British hospitality company that operates more than 6,000 hotels and resorts in over 100 countries. IHG is known for its brands, which include InterContinental, Holiday Inn, Kimpton, Hualuxe, Avid, and Garner.

IHG offers a free IHG One Rewards program that allows members to earn points that can be redeemed for hotel nights, transferred to airlines, and more. Members can also earn elite status and receive benefits like room upgrades and late checkout. There are many opportunities to earn and redeem IHG One Rewards points at iconic hotel brands like Intercontinental, Kimpton, Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza and more.

Marriott International is a multinational company that operates, franchises, and licenses lodging brands, including hotels, residential properties, and timeshares. Marriott has over 30 brands and 8,785 locations in 139 countries and territories, with 1,597,380 rooms across its network. Some of Marriott's brands include The Ritz-Carlton, W Hotels, JW Marriott, Sheraton, and Marriott Hotels Resorts & Suites.

Marriott also offers hotel reservations, timeshare vacations, flight and hotel packages, and car rental services. The company also operates loyalty programs, including Marriott Bonvoy, which allows members to earn and redeem points for benefits such as hotel stays, credit card spending, tours and activities, and more. Membership in Marriott Bonvoy is free to enroll in and maintain.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

HSA Advantages

HSA: Health savings account, or Health investment account, or Health retirement account

  • Triple tax advantage (contribute, grow, withdraw all tax free)
  • Invest HSA money (for future growth)
  • Carry-over (HSA account belongs to you and no expiration like FSA)
  • Tax free withdraw for medical expenses
  • Penalty free 65+ use funds on anything (Use HSA for anything after 65 years old)
  • Use the receipt loophole (Don't use HSA for medical expenses when you are young, you can reimburse yourself for past medical expense after retirement)
  • You cannot contribute HSA when take medicare (Medicare at 65, no more HSA contribution)

17 books for financial learnings (4 stages)

the alchemist
think and grow rich
atomic habits
money master the game

the 4 hours workweek
influence the psychology of persuasion
confessions of an advertising man
the never split the difference
the lean startup
how to win friends and influence people
the 48 laws of power
the personal MBA

the intelligent investor
reality transurfing

the creature from Jekyll Island
the house of morgan

Saturday, February 24, 2024


  1. 立春:悄悄地,悄悄地,春的脚步近了。
  2. 雨水:随风潜入夜,润物细无声。
  3. 惊蛰:初惊蛰,鸟鸣虫动,踏青寻景,春雷相伴。
  4. 春分:南园春半踏青时,风和闻马嘶。
  5. 清明:书页受了惊扰而跳动,只因不识字的清风太过调皮。
  6. 谷雨:春天唱起了歌,她的声音,是存封了千年的酒。
  7. 立夏:星影憧憧,醉目点点,是为夏夜。
  8. 小满:普洱叶,紫砂壶,菊花几瓣,清泉一掬。
  9. 芒种:茶农香清,渗人心扉,哪知艳阳天。
  10. 夏至:碧波轻弄影,荡舟杨柳中。
  11. 小暑:风摇莲叶轻弄月,一片蛙声唱荷花。
  12. 大暑:品夜风徐徐,听蝉声一二。
  13. 立秋:卷帘凉暗度,迎扇暑先除。
  14. 处暑:西风解事,为人间,洗尽三庚烦暑。
  15. 白露:书堆寻碎玉,月下点流萤。
  16. 秋分:秋浓蟹肥,邀知己三五,酌花雕数杯。
  17. 寒露:为君持酒劝斜阳,且向花间留晚照。
  18. 霜降:碧云天,黄叶地,秋色连波,波上寒烟翠。
  19. 立冬:冬天的第一个早晨,被喧闹的阳光唤醒。
  20. 小雪:片片互玲珑,飞扬玉漏终。
  21. 大雪:千树万树梨花开,竟比春烂漫。
  22. 冬至:岸容待腊将舒柳,山意冲寒欲放梅。
  23. 小寒:折香骨一支,玉瓶置之,就一口雄黄,秀色可餐。
  24. 大寒:且忘却浓寒,更登高,观雪景。


5 Fidelity funds

  • Fidelity U.S. Bond Index Fund (FXNAX) 
  • Fidelity Total International Index Fund (FTIHX)
  • Fidelity Zero Total Market Index Fund (FZROX) 
  • Fidelity Total Market Index Fund (FSKAX)
  • Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX)

Tax Free investment

  • Tax-Free Long-Term Capital Gains (below certain income threshold, up to 20% tax rate)
  • Tax-Free Municipal Bonds (e.g. VTEAX)
  • Tax-Free Treasury Securities (e.g. Bills/Notes/Bonds)
  • Tax-Free Roth IRA (after tax contribution)
  • Tax-Free Roth 401K (after tax contribution)
  • Tax-Free Life Insurance (IUL - loan with interest rates)
  • Tax-Free HSA (triple tax benefits) 
  • Real Estate Can Be Tax-Free (Deprecations non-cash expense)
  • Tax-Free Business (if expense is more than income)