Subversion (SVN)
Subversion (SVN) is a popular replacement for CVS, offering improved performance (courtesy of intelligent local caching and a database at back end), easy and fast branching. The official website is the wiki page is There are many version control systems, and most popular are VSS (Microsoft), CVS and SVN.
SVN Client
There are a bunch of clients to access SVN. Most frequently used might be
SmartSVN and some integration clients with Visual Studio and Eclipse. For Eclipse, there are two most popular clients: subclipse and subversive. I selected Subclipse which is from
There is a wiki page to compare different SVN clients
By default Eclipse has built-in CVS client support, but for SVN, we need some efforts to set up Subclipse on Eclipse. The installation includes two major steps: "Adding subclipse to Eclipse" and "Install JavaHL".(JavaHL version should match Subclipse version)
Eclipse Version
I am using the latest Helios release as of May 2011.
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Helios Service Release 2
Build id: 20110218-0911
Add Subclipse to Eclipse
1. Help -> Install New Software... ->
From "Work with:" drop down list select
Subclipse 1.6.x
Subclipse 1.6.x Update Site -
2. Select required components under Subclipse category (See Figure 1) to install
Figure 1 |
3. Click "OK" on security alert dialog (See Figure 2) - Subclipse isn't digitally signed
Figure 2 |
4. Restart Eclipse to apply changes (See Figure 3)
Figure 3 |
Install JavaHL
1. What is JavaHL, and how to install JavaHL on different platforms, see
JavaHL Wiki Page
2. Why JavaHL?
This is explained in JavaHL wiki page. For Mac OS X, we need it otherwise we will get below "Subversion Native Library Not Available" error (see Figure 4)
Figure 4 |
3. Download
CollabNet Subversion (I downloaded Subversion-1.6.16-10.6.x.dmg for Mac OS X 10.6.7 version, they also need login to download which is not user friendly). The version is:
Universal Subversion 1.6.16 Binaries for Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6)
4. Install the Subversion, after installation, we will see new "/opt/subversion" created. For JavaHL, it is in /Library/Java/Extensions/libsvnjavahl-1.jnilib
4. Restart Eclipse to pickup JavaHL
Use Subclipse
1. Adding a project to the repository
To add a new project to your Subversion repository, right-click the project (in any of Eclipse's project views or the Navigator view) and choose Team > Share Project from the menu.
2. Use SVN Repository Exploring
3. Refer to right-click Team menu
For more info, please refer to